Cosmetic Dentistry - FD-Dental

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Its aim is to improve the patient’s smile and appearance. A perfect smile can be achieved in different ways. The most common are clear aligners, veneers and composite bonding

Clear Aligners: they are a set of invisible removable trays that gradually move your teeth until they reach the right position. Compared to conventional braces, clear aligners are more comfortable, easier to clean and offer a much better appearance. The process is pain free and requires only a few visit to the dentist.

Composite Bonding: it is the direct restoration of teeth with white composite material. In this way the teeth can be given any shape and colour with minimal or no drilling at all in one single visit.

Veneers: they are indirect restorations that cover the external surfaces of the teeth. They are cemented permanently and the process is similar to the one for crowns but they require minimal or no preparation

We are a friendly team of dentists, hygienists and receptionists who work together to ensure that you receive the best treatment you require.

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